First up I've blocked in the main areas of colour with a base coat. I'm using the same sandy tone for the bones and bandages as I used on the base. This should help tie the whole composition together. Areas that will be painted copper and gold have been picked out in Calthan Brown. Having a two tone base coat helps me to start breaking the mini down into the it's main colour blocks and begins the process of planning the order I will paint them in.
My thoughts on the colour scheme have really come together. I didn't want a typically Egyptian gold with red and blue jewels type of scheme for this mini. I want to try and create an ancient and barbaric feel for my Tomb King. Having used, and been pleased with, the tarnished copper effect on the base I will apply this to the Tomb King. Decoration will be mostly restricted to a little gold and turquoise both of wich are authentically ancient egyptian but hopefully just a little bit different from what is often done with this type of mini.
To help me with my colour scheme I've collected together a set of pictures for reference/inspiration. Nothing here should be taken too literally as the pics are intended to act as a sort of mood board helping me to get a feel for the overall colour scheme.