Sunday, 24 May 2015

Project Nurgle - Part 12

I was a little concerned that taking a break from painting Gutrot Spume mid-project might cause me a few problems. Thankfully I’ve managed to get straight back into the swing of things and I’m still thoroughly enjoying myself with this mini!

The first parts to be painted on the lower body were Gutrot’s thighs. Although the sculpt suggests to me that this area is armoured, I wanted bare flesh here. The careful painting of a few creases and cracks was enough to transform armour plates into heavy sagging flesh. 

The chainmail kilt was next and it proved to be fairly tricky. My ‘gut feeling’ was that the chainmail needed to be adjusted towards something much rustier looking than the crisp detail suggested. I’m O.K. with what I’ve done in this area, but feel that I probably need to re-visit it once the surrounding areas are painted. 

I’d considered several options for Gutrot’s loin cloth/kilt ranging from intricate scroll work to free hand Nurgle icons and even tartan but in the end I decided on a worn leather effect. There’s already a lot going on with the paint job on this mini and I think extra free hand detail in this area would be too much. A leather effect would provide a ‘plain’ surface but still allow for some interesting texture work. 

I briefly considered dark red leather but rejected it in favour of brown a colour more in keeping with a Nurgle colour patette. It would also match the leather straps I’d already painted. 

Painting went well and I began to achieve a pleasing texture but the plain brown leather looked boring. I needed to introduce more colours into the leather to give it some life and interest. One option would be to work extra colour into the shadows. Instead I decided to graduate the colour of the leather, so that it went from brown at the top to green on it’s bottom edges. This came about by following my ‘gut instinct’ that green was the colour to introduce here. I decided to try and make the leather look as if it had been dragged through and stained by all manner of Nurgle-ish filth. 

I used the combination of a stippled bright yellow green glazed over with a darker blue green. The combination of the two tones gives depth and richness to the green and adds visual interest to what is, after all, just a stain on the leather! 

1 comment:

  1. This is a work of pure, gorgeous genius. You are my new favorite painter!

    Those tentacles are HIDEOUS. Great work!
