Saturday 7 January 2017

2016 Looking back... and forward.

Some years stand out more in the memory than others and 2016 certainly made an impact! Many sad, disturbing and sometimes terrible things have happened in the world at large and it feels negligent not to acknowledge that. However, this blog is always written from my own personal perspective and for me 2016 brought many things for which I’m very grateful.

I went into 2016 with the intention of making it a ‘big’ year not least because in July I turned 50 and celebrated the tenth anniversary of my civil partnership. Winning another Slayer Sword would be the icing on the cake – or so I thought.

I can now look back on a year where I not only won two Slayer Swords but also, In September, took early retirement from work. Neither of these things seemed even remotely possible this time last year!

I may not have had the most productive year in terms of the number of miniatures I painted, but it’s been a year of achievements nevertheless.

So what does the future hold? In the shorter term I’m focused on April, which is going to be a very busy month. There is my workshop in Copenhagen and the Salute painting competition. Beyond that there is the next classic Golden Demon in May, and I’m planning to do some more workshops this year.

The big adventure for 2017 is exploring what it means for me to be a full time hobbyist. I’ve a growing backlog of unpainted miniatures (who hasn’t in this hobby?) and some exciting painting projects planned.

I now have the opportunity to take my hobby and run with it!


  1. What a remarkable year! I have only recently started following, but it has been an absolute pleasure. I wish you luck in 2017, and cannot wait to see what models you build and paint!

  2. Congratulations on your achievements and good luck for 2017... I'll be interested to follow along!

  3. I am so happy to see 2016 as a good year for someone out there! I can;t wait to see what your full time hobby looks like this year :)

  4. Would you mind posting a link to where you got the animals skull from in the first, nurgle warrior, picture? many thanks.

  5. I've been quietly following you since the early 90s and always been a fan of your work.
    I'm not much of a commenter on blogs but wanted to say congratulations on a great year. I turned 40 and it was my 10th anniversary too. Now, how do I go about being a full time hobbyist?

    Thanks for sharing over the years. A true inspiration.

  6. If you find yourself running a workshop in the Northeastern United States, please let your followers know, I'd pay good money to pick your hobby brain for an hour or two! Excited to see where your journey takes you this year.

  7. Congrats on your success. Please keep up this blog, it really is a wonderful resource
